CPP - Cold Pre-pressing

Technology of cold pre-pressing does not involve any mechanical or heat treatments of the seed prior to pressing. The seeds are directly supplied to and compressed by the expeller press, which is configured as a pre-press, that is, with larger profile for the passage of material and working at lower pressures. This results in lower yield, but also a lower degree of cell damage. Cold pre-pressing is not suitable for subsequent extraction as the low degree of cell damage significantly decreases effectiveness (rate) of the extraction.

This technology is applicable and convenient as a first step before further pressing, or alternatively, where only partial expression is desired and leftover oil in the press cakes is utilized for oil-rich feed mixtures (such mixtures then do not need extra fat). Cold pre-pressing is advantageous for its low energy demands, simple installation, small equipment size, all of which reduces investment costs.

The resulting oil has properties of cold-pressed oil (= high-quality virgin oil low in phospholipid content).

Technology Description

The sequence starts with a temporary container capable of supplying seeds for several hours of operation. For operation in colder environments (in winter), when seeds could potentially be exposed to temperatures below 15 °C, we recommend adding technology for temperature stabilization. Seeds are transported from the container continuously into the first-level presses. At this stage, we suggest including equipment for seed cleaning. It is also possible to supplement the technology with weighing equipment at entry, or hulling and hull separation. Seeds are carried into the pre-press where they undergo pressing. Resulting oil still contains some impurities (solids) and has to be further processed with separation and filtration. Press cakes are stored for subsequent purposes.


The company Farmet offers optional accessories that will satisfy even the most demanding customers. Our delivery can be supplemented with a spectrum of funnels, conveyors, tanks, and equipment for seed pre-treatment as well as for pumping, filtration, refining and storage of oil. Nonetheless, the most convenient solutions are usually our turnkey deliveries, which are optimized from both the technical and economic perspectives, meet all your requirements and include the automatization of the entire process.

Technical Parameters

The technology of cold pre-pressing is a comprehensive solution for oilseed pressing. This technology is offered at capacities between 50 and 1,150 tons of seeds per day. The design routinely meets EU specifications; however, it can be adjusted to wiring requirements from local markets (e.g. USA, Canada, etc.).
