Tine seed drill Falcon PRO Tandem

Wide possibilities of applying fertilizers and sowing crops in one operation

Tine seed drill Falcon PRO Tandem Tine seed drill Falcon PRO Tandem


Seeding and fertilization variants

All-area seeding and additional seed fertilization

Strip seeding and starting fertilization

Falcon PRO Tandem: All-area seeding and additional seed fertilization

Falcon PRO Tandem: All-area seeding and additional seed fertilization

1 Zone of pre-consolidation of soil and crumbling clods. The front tire roller effectively packs the soil and crumbs large clods.
2 Seed and fertilizer storage zone in one operation. Seed and fertilizer are stored by special seeding coulters. The coulters ensure that the seedbed is created and the seed is placed in strips with a spacing of approx. 12 cm. At the same time the seeding coulters put the granulated fertilizer into the root zone of future plants always between two strips of seed.
3 Ridge levelling zone and seed cover behind the seeding coulters. Harrow with special double fingers effectively levels the soil surface behind the shares.
4 Zone of final soil compaction and pressing seed. Large flotation tires ensure a very gentle and even final soil compaction and induce seed creasing.
5 Zone of final levelling of soil surface and spreading of plant residues. The double row harrow very effectively levels the soil surface and spreading plant residues.


Tine seed drill Falcon PRO Tandem

  1. Front rubber-tyre roller.
  2. Seeding with additional fertilisation.
  3. Levelling bar for surface levelling.
  4. Rear rubber-tyre roller.
  5. Levelling bar for surface levelling.

The Falcon PRO Tandem seed drill uses the modular foundation of Falcon PRO, equipped with the front seeding section with a tyre packer and three rows of special seeding shares. The seeding shares are followed by an effective levelling system, excellent for levelling out the soil surface and for even distribution of crop residue.

The rear roller equipped with large low-pressure tyres provides very low pressure on the soil, even when the seed and fertilizer hoppers are completely full. The robust tyres are highly resistant to penetration and they allow for transport of the machine on low quality roads at high speed, even for greater distances.

The special seeding shares with tandem-configured outputs for seeding and parallel placement of fertilizer into the root zone provide quality seeding, even under the conditions of a high quantity of crop residue in mulch seeding technologies. The precise depth guidance by tyre rollers helps achieve seeding depth precision comparable with disc seed drills.

The robust frame of the machine makes it also suitable for rocky soils.

The Falcon PRO Tandem seed drill uses the modular foundation of Falcon PRO, equipped with the front seeding section with a tyre packer and three rows of special seeding shares. The seeding shares are followed by an effective levelling system, excellent for levelling out the soil surface and for even distribution of crop residue.

The rear roller equipped with large low-pressure tyres provides very low pressure on the soil, even when the seed and fertilizer hoppers are completely full. The robust tyres are highly resistant to penetration and they allow for transport of the machine on low quality roads at high speed, even for greater distances.

The special seeding shares with tandem-configured outputs for seeding and parallel placement of fertilizer into the root zone provide quality seeding, even under the conditions of a high quantity of crop residue in mulch seeding technologies. The precise depth guidance by tyre rollers helps achieve seeding depth precision comparable with disc seed drills.

The robust frame of the machine makes it also suitable for rocky soils.

  • Short downtime for filling hoppers thanks to the large capacity.
  • Fast turns at the headland thanks to the short compact frame.
  • Low pulling resistance thanks to the low weight and special shares.
  • System using the front and rear rollers for depth guidance and excellent tracing. Perfect levelling, compaction and soil cultivation in a single pass.

High performance and quality of work

High performance and quality of work

  • Short downtime for filling hoppers thanks to the large capacity.
  • Fast turns at the headland thanks to the short compact frame.
  • Low pulling resistance thanks to the low weight and special shares.
  • System using the front and rear rollers for depth guidance and excellent tracing. Perfect levelling, compaction and soil cultivation in a single pass.

Robust design

High-strength refined materials in connection with eXtra STEEL line technology guarantee long service life of our machines even in the most difficult conditions.

Priekinis padangų volas
Volelis iš sustiprintų padangų optimaliai sutankina dirvą prieš noragėlius.
Mašinos veikimas be tepimo poreikio
Visų darbinės dalys išdėstytos taip, kad mašinos veikimas nereikalautų tepimo.
Ypač atsparios specialios plūgo dalys
Plūgo dalys aprūpintos karbido plokštelėmis, užtikrinančiomis maksimalų tarnavimo laiką.
Padangos atsparios pradūrimui ir nusidėvėjimui
Didelės transportavimo mažo slėgio radialinės padangos, atsparios pradūrimui ir nusidėvėjimui.
Optimalus sutankinimas
Presas su didelėmis mažo slėgio padangomis užtikrina mažą spaudimą į dirvą ir puikiai prisitaiko prie lauko reljefo.

Easy Operation

The minimum number of adjustment and lubrication points makes the operation, control as well as subsequent maintenance a very simple task that anyone can manage.

Lengvas bunkerio užpildymas sėklomis
Plati ir ilga aptarnavimo platforma užtikrina saugų ir patogų bunkerio užpildymą sėklomis.
Nerūdijančio plieno sijojimo tinklelis
Nerūdijančio plieno sijojimo tinklelis apsaugo nuo pašalinių objektų patekimo pildant bunkerį.
Saugojimo dėžė
Patogi dėžė keičiamoms ritėms ir kitiems priedams saugoti.
Hydraulically foldable markers
Markers controlled hydraulically and automatically through control system.
Marking of track rows
Dviguba strypinė akėčios eilė
Akėčių nuolydžio kampas lengvai reguliuojamas mechaniniu būdu naudojant kaištį, kad būtų pasiektas norimas dirvos išlyginimas.
Dviguba strypinė akėčios eilė
Akėčios lengvai reguliuojamos mechaniniu būdu naudojant kaištį, užtikrinant puikų dirvos išlyginimą.

Smartly designed machine

Sraigtinis tiektuvas Fert+
Modernus sraigtinis tiektuvas. Trąšų nukreipimas į tręšimo bloką.
Elektra valdoma Farmet sėklų dozavimo sistema
Moderni ritininė dozavimo sistema su keičiamais volais.
Trąšų paskirstymo galvutė
Trąšų paskirstymo galvutės
Sėklų srautas nuolat stebimas kiekviename išėjime į noragėlį naudojant sėjos kontrolės jutiklius.


Technical parameters Units Falcon 6 PRO Tandem Falcon 8 PRO Tandem
Working width mm 6 000 8 000
Transport width mm 3 000 3 000
Transport height mm 3 300 4 000
Total machine length mm 9 000 9 000
Working depth mm 0─100 0─100
Hopper capacity with fertilization
(ratio 40:60)
l 6 000 6 000 / 8 000
Hopper filling height mm 2 930 2 930 / 3 400
Dimensions of the filling opening with fertilization mm 1 430 x 620 1 430 x 620
Number of sowing shares
(spacing of 250 mm)
ks 24 32
Working performance ha/h 6─9 8─12 
Towing vehicle 1 kW
Working speed km/h 8─15 8─15
Maximum slope availability ° 6 6
Dimensions of tyre – transport   405/70 R20
420/65 R20
405/70 R20
420/65 R20
Brake type / distribution 3, 4   air / two-line air / two-line
Required pressure 3 kPa 8,5 8,5
Number of hydraulic circuits / pressure bar 4 / 200 4 / 200
Number of hydro-couples / type   6 / ISO 12,5 6 / ISO 12,5
Non-pressure return line (max. 5 bar)   1 / ISO 20 1 / ISO 20
Oil flow of hydraulic fan l/min 30─40 30─40
Oil flow for machine control l/min 50─60 50─60
Electric system requirement   12 V DC / 40 A 12 V DC / 40 A
Tractor hitch requirement   TBZ cat. 3 TBZ cat. 3
Machine weight 2 kg 6 500─7 500 9 100─10 780

1 Recommended towing vehicle, the actual pulling force may significantly change according to the processing depth, soil conditions, inclination of land, wear of working members and their adjustment.
2 Machine weight according to the equipment.
3 Alternative to hydraulic brake / operating pressure of 130 ± 5 bar.
4 Transport / brake system: Follow national provisions valid for transport of machines on public roads. Verify legal provisions valid in the country, regulations on maximum allowable total weights and axle loads and also on necessary possible use of the brake system. If you have any questions, please contact our sales representative.


Photo gallery




Display Units

Topcon XD+
Display Dimensions 12,1"
Seed Passing Sensor Control OK
Hopper Level Reading OK
Fan Speed Reading OK
Dispenser Speed Reading OK
Motor Speed Reading OK
Number of Motors (Dispensing) 3
Rail Line Flap Control OK
Seed Drill Position Display OK
Work Lighting Control OK
Hopper Lighting Control OK
Marker Control OK
Pre-emergent Marking Control OK
Adding Seed Batch during Work OK
Micro Seeding OK
Simultaneously Running Screens 5
Camera Input OK
GSM Modem for a fee

Müller Elektronik: ISOBUS DRILL-Controller

Display Dimensions 8"
Seed Passing Sensor Control OK
Hopper Level Reading OK
Fan Speed Reading OK
Dispenser Speed Reading OK
Motor Speed Reading OK
Number of Motors (Dispensing) 3
Rail Line Flap Control OK
Seed Drill Position Display OK
Work Lighting Control OK
Hopper Lighting Control OK
Marker Control OK
Pre-emergent Marking Control OK
Adding Seed Batch during Work OK
Micro Seeding OK
Simultaneously Running Screens 2
Camera Input OK
GSM Modem x

Müller Elektronik: ISOBUS DRILL-Controller

ME BASIC-Terminal
Display Dimensions 5,7" 
Seed Passing Sensor Control OK
Hopper Level Reading OK
Fan Speed Reading OK
Dispenser Speed Reading OK
Motor Speed Reading OK
Number of Motors (Dispensing) 3
Rail Line Flap Control OK
Seed Drill Position Display OK
Work Lighting Control OK
Hopper Lighting Control OK
Marker Control OK
Pre-emergent Marking Control OK
Adding Seed Batch during Work OK
Micro Seeding OK
Simultaneously Running Screens 1
Camera Input x
GSM Modem x

Müller Elektronik: ISOBUS DRILL-Controller

Display Dimensions 5,7" 
Seed Passing Sensor Control OK
Hopper Level Reading OK
Fan Speed Reading OK
Dispenser Speed Reading OK
Motor Speed Reading OK
Number of Motors (Dispensing) 3
Rail Line Flap Control OK
Seed Drill Position Display OK
Work Lighting Control OK
Hopper Lighting Control OK
Marker Control OK
Pre-emergent Marking Control OK
Adding Seed Batch during Work OK
Micro Seeding OK
Simultaneously Running Screens 1
Camera Input x
GSM Modem x

Müller Elektronik: ISOBUS DRILL-Controller

x Not available
OK Included

Working tools

Chisel with spike
Arrow-shaped share for all-area seeding and additional seed fertilization
Narrow share for strip seeding and starting fertilization