Shallow tillage - disk plough-harrows or cultivators?

9. 9. 2020
Customers often wonder which shallow tillage is more agronomically beneficial and efficient. Share or disk? Both technologies have their justification, their advantages and therefore a rich representation in the range of machines. Now comes the trend of mechanical weed control.
Shallow tillage - disk plough-harrows or cultivators?

Disc tillage is especially popular for fast stubble cultivators. The main requirement is a flat undercut of the stubble even with a very shallow stubble 3-5 cm. Some stubble cultivators have a problem with deeping, especially in hard and dry conditions. The biggest problem is the condition of the perennial forage involved. The solution is a sufficiently aggressive geometry of the entire working tools and the whole circuit edge of the disk blades as is the case with compact disk cultivators Softer. Softer is the basic machine for every farm. For very shallow stubble, we recommend equipping the machine with support wheels.


Lightweight disc cultivator Softer with an aggressive angle of the working tools ensuring good penetration into the soil and tillage in harsh conditions.

A more difficult variant is the Diskomat stubble cultivator. The disk machine is designed for deeper tillage up to 18 cm and its construction is adapted to this. Especially the solid frame and spring locking of the working tools. Working tools of the Diskomat with an aggressive angle and disk with a diameter of 62 cm. The standard of Farmet disk is a full-circumference blade. The main reason is to ensure reliable cultivation and quality tillage, including the incorporation of plant residues. Thanks to the optimal geometry and rotating working elements, the Softer and Diskomat disk stubble cultivators are characterized by very low tensile resistance.


The heavier Diskomat disc stubble cultivator is very suitable for incorporating large amounts of plant residues, for example after corn.

A general problem of disk stubble cultivators can be the so-called soil lubrication due to the same depth of soil tillage by disks. Chisel and coulter cultivators eliminate this problem.

Scheme profile of a tillage with a disk plough-harrows.

Scheme profile of a tillage with a chisel cultivator.

Chisel cultivators are universal and, on the contrary, have the advantage of the possibility of shallow but also deeper tillage up to 35 cm with uneven relief of tillage. Behind the coulters, the soil is worked in the entire profile. Between the tools, the soil is processed at different depths and with different intensities according to the distance from the tools. Uneven processing contributes to excellent precipitation absorption and restoration of capillarity. The working tools can be supplemented with wings, which reliably ensure a full-area undercut in the event of stubble. The Farmet offer includes Triolent, Duolent and Terrix chisel cultivators and stubble cultivators. They differ in the number of lines of working bodies.


Duolent with two rows shows high permeability of soil and plant residues and low tensile resistance.

Triolent is equipped with three rows of working tools and is the most universal representative of chisel cultivators.

Terrix is a four-row chisel cultivator. It processes the soil very intensively. It allows the most combinations of the use of different working organs on individual rows.

Fantom share cultivators are a new combination for shallow tillage. They combine the advantages of both processing methods very effectively. Fantom is designed for shallow tillage up to 15 cm with the possibility of full-area pruning using tools. The soil can be processed very satisfactorily only by shares, because the spacing of the working tools is only 19 cm and during the actual processing the profile is "torn off" and the soil is processed in the entire working width.


Fantom PRO is the top model of the Fantom series. Bay the way allows work without rear rollers or, conversely, to regulate the pressure on the rollers. Quick-release systems for changing working elements and rear cylinders are practical.

In conclusion, each farm should have both types of treatment at its disposal, mainly due to the change in the method of tillage and greater independence from the weather.

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