
This technology is designed for diverse applications. Its aim is to separate out a part of the oil (most often down to a remaining fat content of 20 %) facilitating an optional subsequent thermal treatment of the press cake in order to increase material digestibility. This procedure finds its application mainly in animal feed industry and as a preparation step before chemical extraction.

EP0 - Pre-pressing with Extrusion
The pre-pressing with extrusion technology finds its use mainly in animal feed applications. The product is an energy-rich and easily digestible feed component, useful especially for the nutrition of poultry and other monogasters, while also convenient for ruminants.
EP0 - Pre-pressing with Extrusion
The pre-pressing with extrusion technology finds its use mainly in animal feed applications. The product is an energy-rich and easily digestible feed component, useful especially for the nutrition of poultry and other monogasters, while also convenient for ruminants.
WPP - Hot Pre-pressing
Hot pre-pressing before extraction is a highly effective way of preparing oilseeds for chemical extraction. During pre-pressing, a fraction of oil is recovered mechanically.
WPP - Hot Pre-pressing
Hot pre-pressing before extraction is a highly effective way of preparing oilseeds for chemical extraction. During pre-pressing, a fraction of oil is recovered mechanically.
CPP - Cold Pre-pressing
Technology of cold pre-pressing does not involve any mechanical or heat treatments of the seed prior to pressing.
CPP - Cold Pre-pressing
Technology of cold pre-pressing does not involve any mechanical or heat treatments of the seed prior to pressing.